Retrieving a copy of all Emails Sent To or Received From a Specific Domain in Exchange 2007

I recently received a request to locate and create a copy of every email sent to or received from a specific domain. Exchange 2010 possesses some inherent litigation hold and compliance management tools that could do this for you, and I even found a VB script for Exchange 2003, there was not much information out there for Exchange 2007.

Here’s what I did…

Step 1: Ensure that your account has “FullAccess” permissions to all mailboxes in your Exchange Database by running this command in Exchange Management Shell:

get-Mailbox -Database "[Database Name]" | Add-MailboxPermission -User [Your Admin Acocunt] -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All

Step 2: This hefty commandlet tells Exchange to search every mailbox in the database for a messages received from a specific domain, excluding the target mailbox as you can’t export a mailbox to itself:

Get-Mailbox -Database "[Database Name]" |?{$_.Name -ne '[Username of the Target Mailbox]'} | Export-Mailbox -TargetMailbox [Username of the Target Mailbox] -TargetFolder [Name of Folder] -senderKeywords:'*[domain name]'

Step 3: The last command does the same as the above, but looks for any emails sent to a specific domain:

Get-Mailbox -Database "[Database Name]" |?{$_.Name -ne '[Username of the Target Mailbox]'} | Export-Mailbox -TargetMailbox [Username of the Target Mailbox] -TargetFolder [Name of Folder] -recipientKeywords:'*[domain name]'

Once done, you can open the target mailbox in Outlook and save it to a PST. So there you have it!

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